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LAN Miao, Secretary of Bayan County Party Committee, Wang Yuxin, Deputy secretary of Bayan County Party Committee and county governor led all functional departments to visit Bayan Factory
Menu:Group Dynamics   Time:2022-10-23 20:17:09

On October 19, 2022, LAN Miao, Secretary of the Party Committee of Bayan County, Wang Yuxin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Bayan County, Wang Yuxin, deputy governor of Bayan County, Sun Jicheng and other leaders of functional departments visited Harbin Hongzhan Bioenergy Co., LTD. Yang Chuang, President of the Group, Tang Bin, vice president, Cheng Tao, general manager of Bayan Factory and representatives of the group received and accompanied them.


Harbin Hongzhan Bioenergy Co., LTD., since the construction started in 2020, has received strong support and help from the county Party committee and the county government. Today, a preliminary consensus has been reached on the site selection of the new expansion project of our factory and the various procedures handled in the early stage. Group company President Yang Chuang introduced the company's development process and operation status, corporate philosophy, and the company's development strategy planning, and at the same time to our new project construction and encountered obstacles were reported, county party committee, county government leaders after listening to our new project construction put forward guiding suggestions, strive to meet the planning requirements, put an end to all illegal operation, illegal operation phenomenon. In the county party committee and government leaders to help us strive for more preferential policies at the same time, we also need to be hard, we should continue to upgrade the product, constantly optimize the industrial chain, the product coverage of the country, to the world.


County Party Secretary LAN Miao made clear requirements and instructions to the enterprise:

First, safety is the main responsibility of enterprises, safety issues can not be ignored, to do a good job in production safety, firmly put safety in the first place.

2. Actively cooperate with the county Party Committee and the county government in the supervision of production safety.

3. Employees engaged in dangerous positions should improve their safety awareness and reduce employee mobility. Employees in key positions must be trained to take the old with the new to ensure the safe development of enterprises.

Iv. Construction projects shall ensure that migrant workers' wages are paid in place and no delay in payment is allowed. The legitimate rights and interests of migrant workers must be protected.

President Yang Chuang expressed his heartfelt thanks to Secretary LAN Miao for the important instructions, thanked the county Party Committee and the county government leaders for their encouragement to our company, and promised the leaders to resolutely complete the task of production safety, earnestly implement every requirement of the leaders, support the policies and measures of the county Party committee and the county government, fulfill the responsibilities and obligations of the company, and never live up to the expectations of the leaders. Never make trouble for the government.

